• Question: what is your faviorite thing in science?

    Asked by jabo1234 to Dave on 15 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Dave Farmer

      Dave Farmer answered on 15 Jun 2013:

      Hello jabo1234,

      A good question. I think the thing that I love about science is when you learn something that changes how you look at the world. To me, the more I understand how the world works, the more beautiful it becomes. That sounds very pompous I admit, but it is awesome, when you see something that other people might think is boring, but that you have some knowledge that makes it interesting to you. I can be as interested looking at the waves on the surface of a coffee as I can watching some sport on TV, and to me, that’s cool.

      I have to ask though, what’s your favourite thing about science (if any!)?
