• Question: how quantum entanglement actually works and can we use it in technology,i mean eg. for transferring data at infinite speed?

    Asked by shobhit to Chris, Dave, David, Fiona, Jack on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: David Freeborn

      David Freeborn answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      Hi shobhit,

      This is a really difficult question, but I’ll try to answer it!

      In quantum mechanics, a particle only takes a “fixed” value when we measure it. Before then, they have all the possible values, and only choose one when we look at it.

      Let’s consider a quantum property called “spin”. A particle can have spin-up, spin-down or no spin at all. Until we measure a particle’s spin, we don’t know what it is, so the particle takes on all possible spins.

      Let’s say we have a particle, and we measure it to have no overall spin. Then the particle decays into two smaller particles, and they both fly away in different directions. We don’t know what the spin of either particle is, so they take on the mixture of all 3 types of spin. But we know the total spin must still be zero.

      So, if we measure the spin of one of these particles, it must take choose a particular spin, say spin-up. But then the other particle needs to choose the opposite spin, say spin-down. So by measuring one particle, we can also change the properties of the other particle.

      We say these two particles are in an “entangled state”. Changing one particle’s properties will also change the other.

      We cannot use it to transfer data at infinite speed: because Einstein’s law of relativity says no information can travel faster than light. We still don’t quite understand how this works though, because the effects of quantum entanglement should be instant. This is one of the big mysteries of physics at the moment.

      But we can use quantum entanglement to build quantum computers. Because all the particles in the computer take every possible state at once, the quantum computer can perform millions of calculations, all at the same time.

      Anyway, I hope that was slightly clear! It’s a really complicated topic!

    • Photo: Chris Mansell

      Chris Mansell answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      If no-one minds, I can build on David’s (very good) answer.

      David mentions two particles. I will call them particle 1 and particle 2.

      David mentions three possibilities for spin BUT to make things a little simpler (for me, as much as anyone else) I will only consider spin up and spin down.

      I am going to use some funny brackets but please don’t let that put you off.

      Physicists say first particle is in A |up> + B |down>, where A and B are numbers that must add up to one.*

      Physicists say second particle is in C |up> + D |down>, where C and D are numbers that must add up to one.*

      When we consider the two particles together, we multiply the previous two things I wrote and end up with the two particles being in

      (A |1-up> + B |1-down>) times (C |2-up> + D |2-down>)


      (A times C) |1-up> |2-up> + (A times D) |1-up> |2-down> + (B times C) |1-down> |2-up> + (B times D) |1-down> |2-down>.

      David described a situation where the total spin of particle 1 and particle 2 is zero. This means that the two particles are now in:

      (A times D) |1-up> |2-down> + (B times C) |1-down> |2-up>.

      In other words:

      A times C is zero.
      A times D is not zero.
      B times C is not zero.
      B times D is zero.

      If you think about this for a while, you will see that these things can’t all be true. In other words, the two-particle situation is not compatible with multiplying out the single-particle situations.

      When the two-particle situation is not compatible with multiplying out the single-particle situations, we say that the two particles are entangled.

      I hope this has helped (but don’t worry if it hasn’t because, as David says, these are some difficult things we are considering).

      * = This isn’t quite true but we will pretend it is so that we don’t get confused with lots of high-level maths.

    • Photo: Dave Farmer

      Dave Farmer answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      Great answers guys, don’t think there’s anything I can add.

      (Although I do remember that they use a quantum entanglement communicator in Mass Effect so clearly it’s possible, video games never lie, probably…)
